Saturday, December 31, 2011

Okay 2011, Let's Talk

At the beginning of the year I told 2011 what I was thinking.
In this post I've italicized my 2011 resolutions (also titles in bold).

Here's what I did and didn't accomplish this year.
And my excuses, I mean, what I learned in pursuit of these resolutions .

2011 Resolution: Listen/Follow
I need to listen longer to make sure I really hear what someone is saying (wait for the lead) process it (feel the lead) and then react (follow).

End of Year Audit 
I learned that part of listening is hearing what isn't being said.
Oftentimes the words that speak the loudest are those unspoken.

2011 Resolution:  Enter a Novice Jack & Jill

End of Year Audit
Done Jack.  Done Jill.

The first J&J was for "First Timers."  How fitting.
Last place.  
Almost unanimous.
(Can you qualify "unanimous" with "almost"?)

One judge gave us second to last place on account of our spirit.  Spirited and joyful it was and that's what dancing is meant to be.

My stated goal was to follow.  My insight was to delight in the dance.

Delight in the deliciousness of a swing out.  Craft one.  Towards the end of the year I took a private lesson (and then another) that synced up my body/mind in way I've not felt previously.

Fucking up is also more fun.  I don't want to make Lindy Hop sounds like a free for all but the more you embrace the improv, well, just remember:  Yes, And.  My favorite aerials are the ones where I fall on the floor

2011 Resolution:  Mindfullness
Re-channel Mindfulness about how I am perceived to mindfulness about how I communicate.  Recognize that mindfulness about the latter will mitigate concerns about the former.

End of Year Audit 
I'm always going to care about how I'm perceived (and even when I don't really care it's part of my persona to do so anyway).

The real concern lies in misperception.  I feel more confident in my ability to communicate and less concern about being misperception (or just flat out not making sense).

Not sure if that's a result of mindfulness or Xanax.  

Who cares? (now, that's the Xanax talking).

2011 Resolution 
Impact/Innovation/Extraordinary Creative / Geek Out + Enrichment

End of Year Audit
I invented a job.  Big fucking check here.
That's two resolutions resolved at once.

2011 Resolution Body
I don't want to lose any weight.  
I want to gain muscle, tone, strength and definition.

End of Year Audit 
Here's the visual on this one

I gained strength, lost my appetite, lost weight, lost strength, ate a lot of  junk food, gained some weight, regained some strength but at year's end I'm down a few dress sizes and pushups.  Woe is me.  

Just go to Anthropologie and find a new dress.

2011 Resolution:  Wake Forest Miles for Smiles 2011 Triathlon.
This was my first triathlon in 2009.  I'm going to do it again this year and improve on my performance in some way.

End of Year Audit 
I'm a really good swimmer.
My swim rank was 34 out of 152 women for this triathlon.
I steadily improved my times and stamina on two open water mile swims.
 I did two open water 


End of Year Audit
Got to the mountains with Crusty and Jon in the early part of the year.  We skied Mt. Baldy, which was quite bald, but fun nonetheless.

Ski trip for 2012 already planned.  Colorado.  March.

Whimsy, Purposelessness

It just wasn't that kind of year.

Oh well.

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